your multilevel-secure digital signing solution

Sign, send and track your documents instantly with an electronic signature software anywhere, anytime.

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Dolphin e-sign

Dolphin e-Sign maintains a document repository where you can retrieve, review and modify your documents with centralized access.


Why is Dolphin e-Sign a right fit for you?

  • Zero touch Automation
  • Multilevel audit control
  • MIS reports
  • File compression
  • Role based document control
  • Easy Integration
  • Bounced Mails Tracking
  • Multi-level Encryption
  • Custom Email Creation

A fast & foolproof system for your convenience

Easy to sign anywhere and anytime with easy set up.

File Compression

Compress multiple files and mail at once in a zip format with multi level password protection.

Zero Touch Automation

Schedule and send your documents automatically in pdf format with signature and extra level security at right time.

Bounced Mails Tracking

Track the bounced mails with the detailed activity history and the reason for failure.

Role Based Permissions

Manage and audit information security by granting role based permissions to perform autonomously and to improve compliance.

Multi-level Encryption

Advanced encryption algorithms are incorporated to meet assured data integrity, non-repudiation, authenticity and confidentiality.

MIS Reports

A separate dashboard to sign, mail and track MIS reports easily using document search with usage statistics and view logs.

Custom Email Creation

Create custom email copy, sign and send bulk mail to the right people at the right time to strengthen client relationships

Easy Integration

Easily integrate with your complex workflows. Importing, exporting, storing, managing, retrieving documents for signing are simple, and more flexible to improve operational efficiency.

Multi-level Audit Control

In-built dashboard provides you streamlined operations, status mail updates on the go. Maker-Checker workflow establishes transparency in document transmissions and curb fraudulent activities.

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