Case StudyAutomation of defect reporting
helped in quicker replacements
Client: A leading Japanese automobile manufacturing company

The Challenge

The Quality Assurance department of this automobile giant manually checks for defects in all items once the goods are received. These are recorded in Field Technical Report (FTR) manually and uploaded in their vendor management web application. Every FTR is then verified by the Quality Assurance Manager and approved. The online and offline Field Concern report (FCR) are created for validated and approved FTRs. The FCR again needs to be approved by relevant authorities. These reports are then available to the vendors over the web application or are emailed to them.

Key Challenge
  • Delays in reporting defects to their suppliers causes delays in  replacement hindering smooth workflow
  • High volume –  1100 FTRs approximately every month to be processed
  • Suppliers are not notified from the time of detection of defects for them to be prepared.
  • Possibilities of data entry errors


The complete report and request processes were split into 4 sub-processes for service request workflow automation. UiPath robots were designed to process the complete workflow with minimal manual intervention

  • FTR Database Update– Downloads the FTR data created by the QA team from the web-based application and maintains as FTR Database on daily basis.
  • FTR Request creation and upload- Creates FTR request in the web application and uploads PDF reports to the document management system. Suppliers are notified about the creation of FTR and can view the specifics in the vendor management application
  • FCR Creation – Creates online and offline FCR from FTR database in the application on daily basis.
  • FTR- Weekly Report- Creates Weekly report from FTR database

The whole process was automated making it easy for users to create issue /service requests



470+ hours saved every month.


70%  reduction in Average Handling Time


90% automation achieved.


80% reduction in lead time in replacement of defective items


Significant reduction in operation cost


Improved quality and effective reporting.

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