Use cases How a world class life solved the impact of
not having a productive agency system?

KGiSL provided NSure Insurance Suite for a global insurance brand with over 25 years of best practices in both Conventional and Takaful with a financial strength rating of “AA+”. Currently, there are 960 Conventional users and 688 Takaful users with our client. There are 461 conventional products supported by NSure Core Insurance Suite, which have produced 1,145,492 policies and 229 Takaful products supported by NSure Core Takaful Suite that generated 238,989 policies. 


  • Unable to track customers on the spot. 
  • Poor customer service because of not having updated information to help customers plan and perform with flexibility. 
  • Lack of clarity as managers could not monitor agents and support them in managing their resources. 
  • Inefficient and non-productive in closing the sales as agents become less motivated due to chaotic structure of the agency force. 
  • Delayed service delivery due to unorganized information. 

KGiSL implemented NSure Agency management function to overcome the above challenges. 


  • Provided a single point of contact for agents to monitor their application regularly which greatly improved customer service. 
  • Displayed the latest production information on Performance versus Target Summary and paid agent’s commission on a daily basis to help them stay aligned and motivated. 
  • Explained hierarchical levels of agency force in multiple levels. 
  • Commissions and incentives were managed separately and linked to agents accordingly 
  • Agency movements from recruitment up to termination were all managed in NSure Insurance Suite for Agency management function. 
  • Enabled managers to access personal and members’ business information and review agents’ business details for further support. 


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