A platform for Mandatory Insurance Scheme
Implementation of the Involuntary Loss of Employment (ILOE) insurance portal, a unique Scheme that provides security for employees losing their job due to reasons other than disciplinary action or resignation. Dubai Insurance was the authorized insurer to issue the Involuntary Loss of Employment policies on behalf of the ILOE Insurance Pool.
Emiratis and residents working in the federal government and private sectors will be compensated with a monthly cash benefit up to 60% of their average basic salaries drawn during 6 months prior to loss of employment. The cash benefit would be provided for a maximum of 3 consecutive months for a claim only for the workers who have paid their monthly premium for at least 12 consecutive months.
The blend of KGiSL’s 25+ years of insurance expertise along with in-house domain experts and techno-functional professionals went on a true agile model for a super-fast development of the portal. The project was delivered in 3 months of time without compromising on quality.
The complete portal ticking all the requirements from the client was built on NSURE’s latest and future proof technology platform. Additionally, the platform was equipped with KGiSL’s state-of-the-art analytical and reporting engine for better operational efficiency and customer experience. User experience was given utmost importance to enable simple, self-explanatory, self-onboarding and self-service features for ease of use by the common public.