
Every industry involves intense paperwork to gather critical data from their customers and it is used to handle both internal and external processes. When it comes to the insurance industry, e-Form play a crucial role in ensuring consistent data collection. 

KGiSL offers electronic forms to overcome these challenges. Our NSURE e-Form is a dynamic form creation and submission software that makes form filling much easier, quick and secure. 

NSURE e-Form is an offline mobile application for insurance agents, bank staffs, marketers & financial executives to fill and submit any type of application form anytime with ease. With NSURE e-Form, capturing data can be simple and accurate. The application can offer all its features to users without network connectivity (including Wi-Fi). It stores the data in the app’s outbox and automatically submits the forms once the device gets into network connectivity. 

Seamless Integration

Be it any system, you could effortlessly integrate NSURE e-Form and accelerate form filling. NSURE e-Form allows you to submit, approve and process data into the already existing application in your organization. With the best industry security and privacy standards, data is highly encrypted and protected. Access to forms and form related data is made easily accessible to the authorized people.

Reduce Cost & Increase Productivity

Unlike paper forms that leads to more space, increased cost and delay in process of the forms, NSURE e-Form is easy to create, edit, submit, share and download anywhere at any time. Switching to digital forms can save time, money and resources. This zero-delay in processing the forms help in increasing productivity. This could eliminate administrative tasks like manually routing information, filling out forms and following up on approvals.

Book a demo to see it in action


Offline Mobile App

Create, edit and submit documents from anywhere with mobile apps for iOS and Android

Offline Desktop Application

Create, edit and submit documents from anywhere with desktop apps for Windows and MAC

Historical Data Availability

Track the history of data and changes

View, Edit, Delete Functionality

View edit & delete data multiple times without wasting multiple forms

Validated Data

Collect information efficiently & cost-effectively with no errors using in-built validations eliminating data loss

Multiparty Digital Signature

Capture multiple digital signature

Draft Mode Availability

Fill in the forms from any device and save it

Secured Access (PIN, Finger Print Auth)

Complies with the best industry security and privacy standards as the complete data is encrypted and stored

Download & Share PDF

Documents stored in an organized way for easy access and sharing

Upload Documents

Upload supporting documents along with e-Form

Automated Data Transfer (Upon connecting to internet)

When connected over internet the e-Form data will be automatically transferred to the Core system (or) 3rd party system.



  • Increase business efficiency – TAT. Current Process takes 17 days while Proposed Process take only 2 days
  • Improve Data quality – Documents information are 60 % more accurate compared to manual
  • Data capturing in the form is 70% faster
  • Due to improve Process mobility – Form submission rate has become 30% more faster
  • Easy access – chances of documents getting misfiled, misplaced, or accidentally thrown away is 70 % less
  • Data Privacy – Data are 100% more secured and access control
  • Cost effective – Cost of handling NSURE e-Form over paper form is 40% cheaper
  • ROI – the NSURE e-Form deliver fast return on investment

Using this Solution

  • Automate common approval workflows, such as customer on-boarding, sales orders, registration, referrals and purchase requisitions
  • Use the dynamic platform on a phone, tablet or desktop – the platform automatically optimizes for the type of device you’re using
  • Create forms quickly with the drag & drop design interface
  • Create rules to condense and digitize the entire forms process – no more chasing down handwritten signatures

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