Use casesClaims processing

Speed up your claims calculation process with quick and accurate estimation.


Insurance claims processing is time-consuming due to manual tasks

The client spent time manually typing information based on paper forms and printed documents. As the number of claims submitted for processing got increased, the client could not handle the claims settlement on time. Besides that, the manual data entry was prone to making many errors and unable to commit to work 24/7.

Solution real-time document processing software was deployed for touchless claims processing. The client managed to automate the claims processing by extracting & classifying the data into the numerical and graphical analysis based on date/time, location, self-made complaints, user profiles and past interactions. The information then conveyed to the claim adjusters to ease their efforts in making decisions and settling claims faster. stored information digitally and made it accessible to anyone, anytime & anywhere. Data transferred was highly accurate as all revisions done in the system were automatically updated.



  • 45% reduction in costs
  • 90% improved accuracy
  • Speed up the claims adjudication process
  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Improved insurance operational efficiencies
  • 100% digitized claims process
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