First Official Diamond Partner of UiPath in Asia


KGiSL, a leading FinTech Service Provider, had the recent honor of being named The First Diamond Partner of UiPath in Asia.

UiPath is a Robotic Process Automation Platform Provider and a titan in the RPA industry. As the largest niche RPA and AI Service Provider in Asia Pacific, KGiSL has been a formal partner with UiPath since 2017, which was their first year of operation. The partnership between these two RPA Industry leaders has always been active; during 2018, KGiSL was awarded the UiPath Regional Partner Award for their Training and Consulting Program that has helped many enterprises get their RPA initiatives off the ground quickly. KGiSL is happy to strengthen its relationship with UiPath further as they are now being recognized as the first UiPath Diamond Partner in Asia.

UiPath has several different requirements a partner must meet before they can even be considered for Diamond Status. The partner must have an RPA Practice Business Plan that includes: business consulting, professional services, developer strategy, and execution plans. They must also have internal RPA implementation/delivery documentation and an internal RPA training program for their employees. KGiSL also has both a testing/development environment and a developer team, which, too, are required to become a UiPath Diamond Partner.

Along with the business practice requirements, there are also UiPath Partnership specific criteria that must be met. Because KGiSL is now officially a Diamond Partner, that means all the following specifications are true of their partnership with UiPath. A Diamond Partner must have at least 20 UiPath sales, 50 UiPath Advanced Developers employed, 15 UiPath Certified Developers, 15 Infrastructure Engineers, 15 Solution Architects, and 5 Business Analysts.

Even if a UiPath partner meets all the mentioned requirements, the last condition is the most important. To ascend to diamond status, a UiPath partner must consistently provide proof of delivery to both their clients and to UiPath. KGiSL has shown UiPath this success by meeting their diamond standard of having at least ten validated UiPath referenceable Customers.

KGiSL as a leader in Fintech solutions and services provider, has demonstrated its capabilities by implementing over 400+ processes automated across the APAC region and has delivered over 10,000+ hours of corporate training on UiPath. With over 200+ Certified RPA consultants and an active CoE, operations, and delivery team, KGISL has positioned itself as the preferred process automation partner of UiPath.

“KGiSL has demonstrated commendable commitment to UiPath’s capabilities and technology. They have invested significantly in building an agile environment with scalable development to experiment and deliver customer-focused innovations.

We have complete confidence in KGiSL’s capabilities to support their customers in realizing the real business value of RPA investments”
Manish Bharti, President, UiPath India

“We are excited and honored to be the first Diamond Partner in APAC by UiPath. This recognizes our efforts in being the most preferred partner in implementing Intelligent Automation solutions for our customers and accelerating RPA adoptions in various domains.”.

“With 50+ new customer logos acquired in as short as 24 months, we have served customers across Banking, Finance and Insurance industry and now aim to establish services in various other domains including Oil and Natural Gas, Manufacturing, Telecommunication, Automotive and Logistics.”
Prassadh Shanmugam,  CEO, KGISL

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