Dolphin I2

Businesses today communicate with their vendors, customers or other entities for various needs. These associates usually have their data formats and it’s essential to achieve seamless data exchange between all associates in spite of different data formats used. Forcing all associates to follow a common data format is impossible and hence a solution that helps to communicate between them with diverse data formats is the need of the hour.

Dolphin I2 is a B2B data exchange solution which enables small and large companies to send and receive data between their vendors, business partners and customers in any required format.

Dolphin I2

It is an interoperable data exchange engine that can be configured with various platforms, integrated with enterprise application to enable a smooth data exchange.

Dolphin I2 is a scalable, user-friendly and easily configurable system which can handle and exchange large amounts of data in the desired format and destination with ease.

Process flow

Source and file format configuration

Defining inbound file structure

Mapping and manipulation




Ability to consider data of any format (structured & unstructured) as input such as files, XML, web services (REST API & SOAP), Dbase, HADOOP (Hive & Hbase), OCR


User configurable Rule Engine to mention different validation /scrubbing /other data manipulation methods


Export manipulated data to target system in prescribed format


Various reconciliation mechanisms can be obtained at different phase of processing. To mention, reconciliation mechanism such as exception identification, delta data, two way recon etc

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

ABBYY interfaced system feature to extract characters out of scanned PDF images. Drastically reduces manual data entry process

Nailing the Issue Spot

Ability to pin point the row and column number where erroneous data is received for processing

Easy to configure

Simple and quick steps to create an end to end ETL process

Detailed Logging & Auditing

Detailed dashboards and alerts

Secure and accurate transfer of data from the source to destination and vice versa.

Transaction email gets triggered to the administrators


  • Supports all delimiter files; Excel, XML, API, DB and multi-row file formats
  • Reads and transforms any file formats, both in source or destination
  • Transfer a single file as multiple files and multiple files can be converted into a single file
  • Efficient, secure, and compliant exchange of information inside and outside any organizations
  • User-friendly and highly Secured
  • End to end support provided for the application
  • Intuitive dashboards
  • Highly customizable and configurable
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