Use cases How A Leading Insurer Elevated Customer Experience & Increased ROI Through Digital Engagement Customer Portal

KGiSL provided one of the largest Sharia’h compliant Takaful operators with customer portal. The client is backed with half a billion dollars paid capital and has been a pioneer in the Takaful Industry. They are also well known as the preferred Takaful provider in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Senegal, Algeria and Jordan. They offer a comprehensive range of Family, General and Health Takaful solutions to Individuals and Corporates. 

Challenges & Problems

  • No customer self-service options 
  • Unable to retain customers through proven engagement strategies with measurable impacts on customer service and customer retention 
  • All requests are manual and approvals take longer without measurable SLA or ability to track 
  • Slow responses to customers’ requests and no notification on status reports 
  • Need to travel to branch or contact the call center or agents to gather information on one’s policy 


We offered our client KGiSL’s customer portal which is integrated with core system to get real time information on: 

  • Policy information 
  • Fund price information and trends 
  • Account information (investment linked accounts) 
  • Personal information 
  • Advisor information 

It is also an easy-to-use self-servicing platform that allows customer to perform transactions: 

  • Change in particulars 
  • Fund related e.g. switching 
  • Premium related e.g. increase in premium 
  • Benefit related e.g. withdrawal benefit, surrender value request 

Other highlights of our solution were; 

  • Enabled simple self-registration features, which allowed the customer to self-register in the portal and access their information 
  • All transaction requests were auto routed to respective department based on customers’ requests type, which allowed to track from request to fulfillment 
  • Portal was built on latest technologies, which allowed customers to access through web, phone & tablets based on their choice 
  • Portal was implemented in 6 Months from the initiation to Go Live 
  • Customer data and portal access was securely managed 
  • Integrated existing systems and services to deliver a streamline customer experience 
  • Reduced the number of incoming calls into the customer support center whilst decreasing cost-to-serve 


This portal will enable insurers to:

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