Case StudySpecial Mentioned Accounts
Process automation for a leading South India based bank

High volume and repetitive special account based data entry tasks on the Core Banking System

The Challenge

  • The Bank’s Regional Processing Center (RPC) users had challenging data entry task on daily basis with huge volume for Special Mentioned Accounts (SMA) in their Core Banking System (CBS).
  • For every SMA record, the maker had to create the entries in the CBS with the mentioned fast path and the record has to be authorized by checker on the same day before batch closing.
  • It was difficult for RPC users to achieve TAT on peak volume days.
  • Volume – 15000 – 30000 entries per Month.
  • 5-10 Makers and 5-10 Checkers were involved to achieve the data entry task.


  • UiPath bots were designed for Workload Management to address the challenge with 3 Bots (Dispatcher Bot, Maker Bot and Checker Bot.
  • Manually, users were using excel as the input file, but in automation – Bot fetches the data from database for better tracking.
  • The Dispatcher Bot reads the data from database and adds it to the Uipath Orchestrator Queue.
  • The Maker Bot was designed to get data from the UiPath queue, then log in to the web application (Core Banking System) to do the data entry and updates the status in the database for every transaction.
  • The Checker Bot was designed to get data from UiPath queue, then log into web application (Core Banking System), validate & authorize and update the status in the database for every transaction.



FTE savings


compliance on TAT


Reduced processing time from 4 mins to 48 sec per transaction


75% time save after automation


Increased operational quality


Reduced manual errors

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